Instructor-led Online Training Courses (Remote Learning)
ImStrat Corporation delivers all training courses via a live online Instructor-led approach. This remote learning approach significantly reduces any logistical challenges and associated costs. Yet, all students will still obtain the same highly professional training experience.
Remote Learning Training Approach
All the remote learning courses are delivered using a variety of secure video conferencing and training material transfer technology. These courses are designed for single client group courses of between 12 and 20 students each.
Points to Know:
Classes are scheduled within the clients timezone
Students will have access to all training lesson plan material and conduct online written tests
Each student is provided special access to Maxar (Digitalglobe's) secure cloud-based 'SecureWatch' interface; along with Capella Space cloud-based secure SAR data console.
Practical exercises, activities, and tests will be conducted with the use of global imagery data from Maxar (Digitalglobe's) SecureWatch and Capella Space SAR data console. In most cases without the need to download large imagery files.
Students will be given a free access to open source imagery exploitation toolsets

Training Courses Available through Remote Learning

All courses which are traditionally delivered within ImStrat's training facility or onsite at the clients location, are available through an instructor-led remote learning process. All content material, teaching approach, practical hands-on and testing, are exactly the same as the onsite training courses. The only difference being is the instructor and students interact via online video and audio tools.

Warning Intelligence (Indications and Warning (I&W))
Ballistic Missile Systems and Production
Nuclear Production
Ballistic Missile and Anti-Ballistic Missile Testing
Ground Order of Battle and TTP
SIGINT, EW and C4ISR Facilities
Aircraft Production Analysis
UAV Production and Operational use
Ship and Submarine Construction
Air Defence System
Counter Insurgency Operations
The specialized course duration's range from 5 to 10 days. This will l vary, dependent upon the content material and the level of student pre-requisite knowledge and skill-sets.

Specialized Educational Courses
Customized Educational Courses
All course offerings are customizable to suite the clients immediate operational needs. This includes imagery specific geo-target locations, types of land, air and sea equipment and weapon systems, and variation of application specific subject matter. To discuss your needs, contact ImStrat directly to discuss your requirements.